Friday, August 3, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Aren't we all? :)

However, several projects have landed on my lap and being that time of year, our painfully low headcount in HRIS is even lower.

I'll try to post a bit more frequently, but it may be a week or four.

Coming soon---my favorite topic: turnover calcs and the people who misunderstand and misuse them.


Evil HR Lady said...

Turnover calculations are a huge pet peeve of mine. I've actually gotten into true arguments over how to calculate turnover. I've written e-mails to executives using 2nd grade language to explain why what they are asking for may make the company look good, but does not reflect reality.

Can't wait to read what you have to say.

Evil HRISguy said...

Ugh, turnover and senior managment.

Always a fun combination.

"Whats the turnover?"

Quick answer: What do you want it to be?

Evil HR Lady said...

I'm waiting (patiently, I might add) for your thoughts on turnover.

I want to see you use the word "replacement" in your discussion. This is something that people do not understand.

Evil HRISguy said...

Sorry evilhrlady, I have been remiss and I know it. Im not sure if it is going to be a blog post or a thesis at this point. The pressure is on!