Monday, July 16, 2007

A few HRIS axioms/observations

1) We provide what you "request", this is not necessarily what you "want"

2) We do not know what you want if you do not know what you want.

3) Explaining the purpose/reason behind your request can reduce the number of times you have to refine it. We are not being nosy when we ask "what are you going to use this for?" (well, maybe sometimes!)

4) Yes, we have access to everything, and No, you cannot have access to everything

5) I do not know what your password is, and Yes, I can reset it as many times as is needed for you to pick one that you remember

6) A large data file transfer over a slow connection will not process faster if you call and ask about it every 5 minutes.

7) The system does not change design limitations because you wish it so, getting angry at us and calling us "negative" will not change that fact.

8) Yes we are in the HR departement, but no, we probably are not familiar with your workers comp issue or if a decision has been made on your hire application.

9) Our tinfoil mind reading hats do not work, so the special deals made by the hiring manager will not be reflected in the system if they do not tell us.

10) We are NOT payroll.

1 comment:

Evil HR Lady said...

1) We provide what you "request", this is not necessarily what you "want"

Ha! Ain't that the truth. And no matter how many questions you ask, it won't be until they see the actual report that they'll say, "oh, I guess your idea to include names was a good one."